
Designing Interactions 交互设计读书笔记整理以及下载

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Designing Interactions》目前只有英文版本。很久就下载了,但一直没有仔细翻阅。具体到哪下载的我也忘记了。共享出来大家一起研磨。并这里有一篇pemiamos做的相关读书笔记。还有些由Stanford HCI 交互设计工作室推荐阅读内容。

Bill Moggridge,著名的设计公司 IDEO 的创始人之一。这本书里更是颇采访了不少重要人物,比如 Google 的两名创始人、世界上最伟大的 PC 游戏设计师之一 Will Wright,以及 Macintosh 团队重要成员之一 Bill Atkinson、Palm 的创始人 Jeff Hawkins……


  1. Forword
  2. introduction
  3. DesigningInteractions_1.pdf
  4. DesigningInteractions_2.pdf
  5. DesigningInteractions_3.pdf
  6. DesigningInteractions_4.pdf
  7. DesigningInteractions_5.pdf
  8. DesigningInteractions_6.pdf
  9. DesigningInteractions_7.pdf
  10. DesigningInteractions_8.pdf
  11. DesigningInteractions_9.pdf
  12. DesigningInteractions_10.pdf

Forword: What is Interaction Design?  前言:什么是交互设计?

这一章,是书的核心总览,很多东西都在这一章点到,在后续章节展开。Bill一上来就隆重推出了Gillian  Crampton  Smith阿姨,也许称其“交互设计之母”也不过分。1968从剑桥大学修完哲学和艺术史毕业,从事了十年设计师的生涯。很奇怪,专业不太对口的样子,但是后面就更神,1981这个阿姨竟然写了个排版的程序,以帮助她的杂志设计工作。这个经历让她相信:

designers have an important role to play in creating information technologies.

设计师能在创建信息技术上扮演更重要的角色。于是Smith阿姨就开始她的交互设计教学生涯。对了,那时还没有交互设计,1983年她在圣马丁搞了个叫做 a graduate program in graphic design and computers图形设计与计算机的研究生课程;1989年,在RCA创立了the Computer Related Design Department “与计算机有关的设计”,也就是现在的RCA interaction design  department. 这里提下,在RCA的工作也有Bill老伯的功劳,首先这个建议就是他提的,他还是这个系的external assessor外部顾问。RCA也就很幸运的成为世界上第一个设立的专门课程培养设计师学习创造交互产品与系统的院校。2001年,我们可爱的Smith阿姨又跑到意大利北部阿尔陴斯山脚下的Ivrea,创立了Interaction Design Institute Ivrea艾丽维尔交互设计学院。





If I were to sum up interaction design in a sentence, I would say that it’s about shaping our everyday life through digital artifacts—for work, for play, and for entertainment.--Gillian Crampton Smith, interview of January 30, 2002 2


We’ve come to a stage when computer technology needs to be designed as part of everyday culture,so that it’s beautiful and intriguing,so that it has emotive as well as functional qualities.



  • 三个技术使用的阶段   Three Stages of Technology Use
  • 从可用性到社交性  From Usability to Sociability
  • 好的交互设计    Good Interaction Design
  • 交互设计的语言  Languages of Interaction Design

Three Stages of Technology Use

这个观点是设计star图形用户界面的David Liddle提出来的,(纵观全书,其实Bill引用了很多在交互领域有着杰出贡献的bigman的话,就像他在最后第十章说的,这本书的框架中包含着交互设计会是什么的图景和许多有着不同学科背景的专家们对于交互设计的思考,学习他们的贡献而不要仅仅跟随我对于交互学科的个人观点。

This book is structured around this inclusive vision of what interaction design can be and has presented the thinking of many experts in the field from very varied backgrounds, chosen for their contributions rather than their closeness to my personal view of the discipline. )

David把一个技术的应用划分为三个阶段:狂热爱好者阶段enthusiast stage,专业用户阶段professional stage,和消费普及阶段consumer stage。


Enthusiasts don’t care if the technology is easy or hard to use because they’re so excited by the technology itself or by what it will do for them.They want it,however difficult it is to use.


At this stage, indeed, some people even have a vested interest in the technology being difficult because they’re selling their ability to use it;the harder it is,the more valuable their skills.

极具讽刺意味!最后一个阶段就是所谓的consumer stage,这正是我们交互设计师要发力的地方。David认为普通人对于技术本身并不感兴趣,人们关心的只是技术能为他们做什么;人们不太愿意去花时间学习使用技术产品并且讨厌被技术作弄让自己感到愚蠢。

People now are less interested in the technology in itself than in what it can do for them.They don’t want to spend much time learning how to use it and hate being made to feel stupid.


针对这些广泛的人性所要展开的设计相比于为技术专家们设计特定工具而言绝对更带有挑战性。 用户不一定使用我们的产品,如果他们不能使它动起来,他们就会把他们送回商店。

if they can’t make them work,they take them back to the store.

从可用性到社交性  From Usability to Sociability


物本身(有用性to可用姓)->人的心理(拥有的意义包括对己对人两方面)-> 社会性影响(交流的意义:是更丰富还是更贫乏,技术的双刃剑性质)



本节Moggridge首先针对当前usability一词泛滥提出,useful有用性问题,并引用Mitch Kapor,Lotus 1-2-3电子表格软件的设计者,在1990年发表了一个宣言“Software Design Manifesoto”——“我们必须首先思考设计的东西是否对人们有益,而不是先去想着如何构建它。 we must start by thinking about designing things so that they’re right for people, rather than by thinking first about how to build it.” “…要弄清什么才是人们需要的。…making sure that this was what people needed.”

在这种用的功利性层面之上,Morggridge指出,在计算机开始日益勾画我们的日常生活时,我们感兴趣的不仅仅是技术能为我们做什么,还有我们拥有它们的意义。 As computers begin to shape everyday life, we’re interested not only in what this technology can do for us,but also in what owning it means for us.这里还举了个土司机的例子:我们选择那玩意时不仅是能烤面包,我们还会很在意它看上去,摸上去,听上去如何, 等等很多心理方面的要求。不光我们自己的感觉,还有给别人的感觉(这里很自然地开始引申到社会性层面)And of course we choose the things we surround ourselves with not just because of what they mean to us,but also because of what they mean to other people.


Artists and designers are trained to use the language of implicit meanings to add a rich communicative element over and above direct functional communication.If we only design the function of something,not what it also communicates, we risk our design being misinterpreted. Worse, we waste an opportunity to enhance everyday life.

我的译文:艺术家与设计师被训练以含蓄的语言增加交流与沟通 的丰富性,而不仅仅是直接地功能性地交流。如果我们仅仅解决某物的功能,而忽视交流,那么我们的设计将有被误解的风险,更糟的是,我们浪费了增进与改善我们日常生活的机会。




usability, utility, satisfaction,  communicative qualities, and sociability

可用、有用、 满意、交流的品质及社会性

好的交互设计    Good Interaction Design



  1. 清晰的心理模型 clear mental model; 例子:HyperCard,在早期mac上的超文本程序,google一下可以知道更多。
  2. 使人安心的反馈reassuring feedback;比如我们敲键盘的恰恰声。
  3. 良好的导航navigability;告诉我们在哪,能做什么,能去哪,还有怎么回去。
  4. 前后一致consistency;在系统的不同部分中相同的命令应保持一致的有效性。
  5. 依赖直觉的交互intuitive interaction;别让人想太多,这个可以看看 Don’t Make Me Think中文版。那里讲得更细,更具操作价值。


When we design a computer-based system or device, we’re designing not just what it looks like but how it behaves.We’re designing the quality of how we and it interact.This is the skill of the interaction designer.

当我们设计基于计算机的系统与设备时,我们设计的不仅是它的样子,还有它的举止。我们要设计 我们和它之间交互的品质。这是交互设计师要掌握的技巧。

It’s partly responsiveness:when you move your mouse, for instance, does it feel sluggish, or nippy and sprightly? When you manipulate your iPod dial,the combination of sound and feel, as well as telling you what you’re doing, is subtle and satisfying.

比如:我们移动鼠标时,鼠标的反应是迟缓还是灵敏的;我们玩转ipod时, 声音和触感的综合体验告诉我们我们在做什么,这是很精妙且让人感到满意的。

We can design those qualities of interaction, relating what we see to what we hear or feel with the same refinement with which typographers adjust the spacing of type,or product designers the radius of a curve.


交互设计的语言  Languages of Interaction Design



It may  help to categorize these languages according to their “dimensions”:1-D,2-D,3-D,and 4-D.

  • 1-D includes words and poetry.
  • 2-D languages that interaction design can borrow  from include painting, typography, diagrams, and icons.
  • 3-D languages are those of physical, sculptural form.
  • 4-D languages include sound, film, and animation.


这一部分主要讲了两个Moggridge自己的两个小故事。正是这两件事上的体验让他开始探索现在叫做“交互设计”的新领域。一个是给儿子买了难用到死的电子表,最后被神经衰弱的老婆用锤子砸掉;另外就帮助John Ellenby设计第一台笔记本电脑的经历,让他从造型到界面一直到沉浸在虚拟世界里,而萌生“softface”的概念,最后在Bill Verplank的建议下确定为“交互设计”这个名词。


designers needed to face new challenges,as electronics started to replace mechanical control systems. In order to create products that are enjoyable, satisfying to use, and aesthetically pleasing in behavior as well as shape, designers would need to learn how to design hardware and software as well as physical objects.


I felt that there was an opportunity to create a new design discipline, dedicated to creating imaginative and attractive solutions in a virtual world, where one could design behaviors, animations, and sounds as well as shapes.


10 People and Prototypes





及早地并且时常地构建原型,使每一个交互的步骤更加清晰,有些观点或更倾向于体验“Ah ha”这样突然蹦越而出的灵感,但是这仅仅是一个暗示,说明你正专注的这个设计的细节呈现在方向上还是正确的,要想知道一个设计是否是优秀的,那你只能动手把它做出来,让人们使用它,并且人们对于这个设计的态度是高兴的,积极的和感到舒适的。

Prototype early and often, making each iterative step a little more realistic. At some point you are likely to experience that wonderful “Ah ha!” feeling that comes with a creative leap, but that is only an indication that you have moved forward in the detail of the aspect of the design that you are focusing on right then. You will only know that the design is good when you have tried it out with the people who will use it and found that they are pleased, excited, motivated, and satisfied with the result.


I believe that if we think first about people and then try, try, and try again to prototype our designs,we stand a good chance of creating innovative solutions that people will value and enjoy.

关于Jane Fulton Suri,IDEO的人因交互专家。


She helps me explain the methods that we have developed to learn about people and derive insights from that knowledge to inspire design. She also explores the use of prototypes for understanding existing experiences, investigating design ideas,and communicating design concepts.

关于Duane Bray,IDEO交互设计部门的头。


how prototyping fits into the design process,explain the different sorts of prototypes that are useful for the various categories of interaction design, and try to predict how that will change the practice of design in the future.


What Is Design?


这里moggridge引用了依姆斯夫妇和Madame Amic(不知道是哪路神仙)的一段谈话:

Q. What is your definition of “Design?”

A. A plan for arranging elements in such a way as to best accomplish a particular purpose.

Q. Is design an expression of art (an art form)?设计是一种艺术表现或者形式么?

A. The design is an expression of the purpose. It may (if it is good enough) later be judged as art. 设计是一个意图的表达,它可能(如果它足够好的话)最后由艺术来衡量。

Q. Is design a craft for industrial purposes?

A. No—but design may be a solution to some industrial problems.


Q. What are the boundaries of design?

A. What are the boundaries of problems?

Q. Does the creation of design admit constraint? 设计创造会有约束么?

A. Design depends largely on constraints. 设计非常依赖于约束条件。

Q. What constraints?

A. The sum of all constraints. Here is one of the few effective keys to the design problem—the ability of the designer to recognize as many of the constraints as possible—his willingness and enthusiasm for working within these constraints—the constraints of price, of size, of strength, balance, of surface, of time etc.; each problem has its own peculiar list.

Q. Does design obey laws?

A. Aren’t constraints enough?


Core Skills of Design



  1. To synthesize a solution from all of the relevant constraints, understanding everything that will make a difference to the result 从各种有关的约束限制中综合一个解决方案,了解每样东西会使结果产生变化
  2. To frame,or reframe,the problem and objective 对问题和客观构建框架,或重构之
  3. To create and envision alternatives 去创造并构建选择
  4. To select from those alternatives,knowing intuitively how to choose the best approach
  5. 在选项中,直觉地感觉到如何选择一个最佳方案
  6. To visualize and prototype the intended solution 将解决方案视觉化并构建原型


The process does not look like a linear system diagram, nor even a revolving wheel of iterations, but is more like playing with a pinball machine, where one bounces rapidly in unexpected directions


Tacit knowledge & Learn by Doing


Designers operate at a level of complexity in the synthesis of constraints where it is more effective to learn by doing, allowing the subconscious mind to inform intuitions that guide actions.

This is the reason that design education relies on a projectbased approach of “learning by doing.”


When a problem is complex,with lots of constrains,it is much easier to recognize a good solution than to explain it.



  1. Creativity/innovation 创造性与想象力
  2. Aesthetics/quality 美学与品质
  3. Human factors/values 人因与价值
  4. Performance/technology 表达与技术
  5. Completeness/presentation 完成度与展示

A Hierarchy of Complexity  复杂性的梯度



Cognitive psychology—the way the mind works 认知心理学

For the design of human-computer interactions

Enter the chip! Electronics started with computers, gradually invaded everyday things and places, and are now almost everywhere.This is where we pick up on my stories of designing
the laptop and the digital watch, as it is more and more difficult for the designer to understand intuitively about people and what they need and want, as the context is no longer just physical and biomechanical.


When you are concerned about the constraints that will matter to people when you are designing computers and things that are enhanced by electronic behaviors, you need a much more rigorous understanding of the way the mind works. When the design context includes machine intelligence as well as human intelligence, the design team will benefit from the expertise of a cognitive psychologist and will also need designers who are skilled at designing interactions. At this point in the hierarchy, we have arrived at the contents covered in the first five chapters.


Where Does Interaction Design Fit?  交互设计的落脚点





在p661,有段Nicholas Negroponte很凶悍的话:

Even if you doubt that we are already in a digital age, it is clear that we are marching relentlessly toward a condition where everything that can be digital will be digital.What does thismean for interaction design?




Suddenly I looked up at the whole room, and
discovered to my surprise that I had drifted into the area occupied by the projects from the industrial design department, never noticing a difference in the nature of the work.


Just as the interaction designers were designing smart objects, the industrial designers were designing objects that were smart, finding it natural to include electronically enabled behaviors.



Computer science emerged first and gave rise to new disciplines for the design of hardware and software. Eventually every engineer expected to use electronics and software in the natural course of development, so engineering education included learning about circuits and programming languages.However, this did not mean that the new disciplines of hardware and software design merged back into the traditional engineering design disciplines, but rather that all aspects of engineering design make use of technology, and all engineering designers can operate to some extent in the digital realm. It seems likely that a parallel to this will exist in the human disciplines, with all designers thinking it natural to include digital solutions as aspects of their designs, accepting the constraints and opportunities offered by new
technologies. At the same time there will continue to be interaction designers who have a more in-depth knowledge and expertise about designing interactions and remain the experts in the field. I think interaction design is here to stay.






The diagram lays out different kinds of research methods, showing a horizontal scale that characterizes design opportunities and user needs, from explicit (left) to latent (right). The vertical scale indicates the difference in techniques from macro (top) to micro (bottom).Traditionally, market research was developed to find out what people want by asking them directly through large-scale surveys or more in-depth focus groups; these methods work very well to find out what people say they want. If your goal is innovative design, your product or service has not even been thought of, so by definition it cannot be explained to research participants.This is where methods are needed to discover latent needs and desires that will help the members of the design team define potential opportunities. The examples on the diagram are video ethnography techniques on the macro scale, where stop frame video is set up to watch a space or task to reveal patterns of use. On the micro scale, the example is observational techniques, where members of the design team go to wherever the design context exists to see what people really do, as opposed to what they say they do.



It is essential to the success of interaction design that designers find a way to understand the perceptions, circumstances, habits, needs, and desires of the ultimate users. Jane Fulton Suri, 2005



My first principle in design is to think first about the people part of the design:Who are the users? What do they want from the experience? What will give them satisfaction and enjoyment?




51 Ways of Learning about People

在1986年Moggridge遇见Suri前,Suri已经在英国从事了十年人因工程的研究,专注于消费产品的安全。但是让Suri一直很郁闷的是,她那时是的工作性质是基于事故的分析,而不是避免事故的设计工作。因为Moggridge的远见I thought this was a chance to integrate human factors expertise into my specialist team of designers,Suri被邀请加入IDEO。1991年以后在Suri的努力下,人因工程的考量渗透到每个IDEO的设计项目中去了。


Learn,Look,Ask,and Try:“Learn”from the facts you gather,“Look”at what users do,“Ask”them to help, and “Try”it for yourself.






Remember the extremes


